Extended Warranty
Enjoy a minimum 2 year guarantee unless stated longer
Got a question about your order? We're seasoned online shoppers ourselves, so we know how perplexing postage can be.
To help make things smooth and uncomplicated, we've answered some of the most common questions below. If you can't find your answer, get in touch and our customer service team will spring into action.
Spend £40, and you'll automatically qualify for free UK delivery. No ifs, no buts. Just free.
The discount will be automatically applied at checkout.
We can deliver to any UK address, from Aberdeen to Zouch (and all the letters in between).
Unfortunately, we're not set up to deliver internationally right now. Rest assured, we're working on it.
Most customers can expect to receive their order within four to five working days, provided everything's in stock. Our standard delivery service applies to all orders placed Monday to Friday (excluding bank holidays).
Some locations might take a little longer. You may have to wait a few more days if you live at a non-mainland address, in Northern Ireland, or within any of the following postcodes: AB, BT, DD, EH, GY, JE, FK, HS, IM, IV, KA, KW, KY, ML, PA, PH, TD, TR, ZE.
We don't currently offer an express delivery service, but we're hoping to soon. Thanks for being patient with us.
Yes! We'll send you a tracking number along with your order confirmation so you can keep an eye on your parcel.
Our preferred carrier is Evri.